Texas State University received $5M from the Meadows Foundation to support research and to establish The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment to manage implementation of all aspects of the strategic plan for water and the environment. Matching funds received from the TRIP helped raise that amount to $10M in 2017 that has provided additional support for the Center and its continued research work.
Texas Research Incentive Program
The Texas Research Incentive Program (TRIP) was established by the Texas Legislature in 2009 for the purpose of providing matching funds to assist eligible public institutions in leveraging private gifts for the enhancement of research productivity and faculty recruitment. It is implemented through the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

TRIP Funding at Texas State University
Chart updated as of December 2023.
Making the Match
To qualify for TRIP matching from the state, a gift must be made with a minimum payment of $100,000 and designated exclusively for research purposes. The match is provided at three levels:
50% Match
Cash gift of $100,000 to $999,999
75% Match
Cash gift of $1 million to $1,999,999
100% Match
Cash gift of $2 million to $10 million
Gift Eligibility
Only cash gifts are eligible for TRIP. Contributions from a government agency are not eligible. Pledges do not qualify, but pledge payments qualify. Gifts-in-kind and gifts of property do not qualify unless they were originally given for the sole purpose of research and sold for cash. Contracts or fees for services are not eligible for TRIP.
Qualify gift purposes include:
- Endowed chairs
- Endowed professorships
- Research equipment
- Research facilities
- Research graduate stipends/fellowships
- Research program cost
- Undergraduate research
Certain gifts are not TRIP eligible, including:
- Contracts for services
- Gifts with deliverables (beyond standard progress reports)
- Grants or contributions from federal/state or local government
- Gifts with research results/findings kept confidential
- Shared IP or special rights to IP given to the funder
- Sponsored research
The Process
Eligible cash gifts must be submitted to the Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) for approval within 30 calendar days from the date of deposit. Approved gifts will receive a TRIP match based on gift ranges and the availability of TRIP funds. When appropriated TRIP funds are exhausted, remaining eligible gifts will be queued in the order in which they were submitted to THECB to await future TRIP allocations. There can be a multi-year lag between the date of the gift and when the match is received.
Documents Needed
- Copy of deposit documentation (i.e., check, wire, ACH).
- Fully executed agreement and/or award letter that clearly restricts gifts to research support.
- Stock submissions require transaction letter or statement from the donor and institution broker.
Processing Requirements
Research gifts over $100,000 and the supporting documentation have a 30-day submission clock, beginning on the date of gift deposit.
- Stocks can be bundled with another gift to reach the minimum payment level. Those gifts must be deposited within 10 days of each other. The 30-day submission clock begins after the last deposit.
- Documents are submitted to the Higher Education Coordinating Board and are anonymously peer-reviewed, to ensure all qualifications are met.
- Submissions are considered in the chronological order by which they become eligible, which is defined by the deposit date of the funds.
- Once the coordinating board approves, the gift/match is added to the list of approved matches and awaits legislative review for the timing of funding. Funding can take up to four years, based on the allocation of state funding.

TRIP supports The Meadows Center
For more information on the impact of your donation, please contact the Gift Compliance office in University Advancement at 512.245.2921.